Saturday 11 July 2020

Young Writers Write: The Rain

I was  happy hearing my young writers share their experiences of 'The Rain'. It was so interesting to know that these young minds are busy observing and seeking for ways  to express their thoughts and imagination. You never know how deep they can think, until you listen to them.  Enjoy reading their poems. 

A poem by Ugonnaya Daniel Iheme, 7 years old
Calvary Garden Nursery and Primary School, Lagos, Nigeria

In the darkest night
There came a stormy wind
Then what followed 
Was the rain beating
Against the bushes
And the roaring thunder
I also saw lights in the sky come and go
The streets were flooded
It all began with just a wind

A poem by Zoe Nnaji, 7 years old
New Land Elementary School, Lagos, Nigeria

I went outside to play
But it was too windy
I went back inside to take a short nap
I woke up and it started drizzling
I thought the rain was about to stop
But it started raining heavily
I was so surprised
The wind brought the rain
I had to go back to sleep

A poem by Olivia Nnaji, 6 years old
New Land Elementary School, Lagos, Nigeria

I was at home when it started to rain
The rain didn't scare me until the thunder came
The thunder and lightening scared me so badly
I quickly ran and hid under the bed
It didn't take long and the rain stopped
I came out from under the bed so happy

A poem by Victor Stanley, 6 years old
Vine International School Iwofe, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

It was a cold night
I could feel the chills all over my body
I hurriedly closed the windows
I reached out for my coat
As I lay on my bed
To enjoy the night sleep
I covered myself
With my blanket to keep warm.

A poem by Adegboro Elnathan Ohunoluwa, 6 years
Vine International School, Port Harcourt

It was raining,
I needed an umbrella
A pair of boots
And a rain coat.
To go home
I got an umbrella,
A rain coat and a pair of boots.
The street was flooded
But I had to get home
It was such a wet day

A poem by Gemma Chimenum Worokwo, 7 years
Bloombreed Montessori School, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

It was a cloudy day
No one could see
Because the sky was cloudy and dark
I thought it was night again
But I noticed that it wanted to rain
It didn’t take a long time
The rain started to drop
It was so heavy
That I went back to sleep.

Nachy Writing Academy is ready to discover that writing gift in your child. Give us a call to enroll  in our Online Creative Writing Class. Together, we can build the next generation of writers. See you at the top!

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