Advertise With Us

ADVERT SPACE        SIZE                DURATION                   AMOUNT

1. Front page          200px x 200px           2 weeks                     20,000
    In b/w article      250px x 250px           1 month                    35,000

    All pages           200px x 200px            2 weeks                    25,000
    Right column     250px x 250px            1 month                   40,000

2. LINK/TEXT ADS 160 characters max 2 weeks                   40,000
      1 month 70,000
3. Post advert  article size                          1 week                    40,000
4. Featured page   for 2 weeks                                                  30,000
 5. Featured page for  1 month                                                  50,000

The Post advert can be extended beyond one week at an extra cost. It would always be on the blog platform even after it leaves the front page, and will continue to be viewed.

Every advert placed on this blog would be published on all our social media outlets; Facebook likes wall, twitter, google+, and on other popular advert sites, with over 10,000 registered members who would also see the adverts.

We exist not just to give your life a boost, but to serve you in a unique way. For Advert bookings, contact us on  

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