Sunday 5 July 2020

Technology Enhanced Learning

The world has moved and so has everything with it. The Covid Pandemic has brought a lot of changes, especially to the educational sector. A lot of schools have found out ways of still being relevant despite the shutdown of schools for  months.

It is now a survival of the fittest, not just for schools, but also for teachers who want to be relevant in a post covid era. It is obvious that things would not remain the same for schools and the best way to tackle this challenge is to move with the time. The best way is to embrace blended learning, which has come to put a permanent stamp on educational activities globally. 

So, how would you fit in as a post covid teacher? The answer is move with the train, upgrade and find out ways you can still do your thing and be relevant. Schools have gone virtual and so have instructional materials. 

In order to still stand out as a 21st century educator, you must find ways of improving your teaching skills which includes planning  your lessons to be suitable to meet the educational need of a post covid world.  As more instructional materials are transferred online in virtual  classes, the need to also work to have more engaging lessons for students who might be physically separated from their teachers rises.

Technology has finally made itself a necessity in the global educational system. Don't be left out, upgrade your teaching skill. 

Subscribe to our blog to get materials that will help you  enhance your digital teaching style. 

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