Thursday 4 June 2020


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A story by Henry Ogude

Once in a town, there lived a man whose name was Daniel. Daniel was a part of the Military in that town. He led so many battles and never lost, because he and his men were in unity and co-operated with one another.
It was time for the General to choose who would be second in command after him and after thinking hard, he decided to choose Daniel. When the Parade Master heard about it, he kicked against it, but the General had already made up his mind and made it clear to the Parade Master;
“If you want to be second in command you must learn how to control your temper”.
 “Sir, but I have what it takes”, said the Parade Master.
Just as they spoke, they received a message that their enemy had come for revenge, and that same minute the General was hit by a stray bullet and fell down dead.
There was confusion everywhere, because the General did not succeed in choosing a second in command before he died. Everyone began to run in all direction, as there was no one to coordinate them. Some ran into the forest, some into river, while some ran into the hands of their enemy. Even the ones who were in the river and bushes were at more risk than the ones who ran into the hands of their enemy. The Parade Master tried to show some authority, but everyone ignored him as they were all running to find a safe place.
Daniel was confused, but he remembered one of the training they had, when the General said; “if you are being attacked unknowingly, disguise yourself to find out the strategy of your enemy and fight back.”
So, Daniel disguised himself, went into the camp of their enemy and learnt their strategy. By the time he came back, he was ready to attack. He noticed however, that he had just one hundred men to go to battle with, compared to a thousand from their enemy. He was informed that the Parade Master had gone ahead for the battle and that he was almost killed.
The Parade Master returned from the battle and thought hard. After narrowly escaping death, he knew what to do. He looked for Daniel. He asked for his forgiveness and together they discussed the strategy of their enemy. They came up with their own plan and fought back their enemy. They finally defeated their opponent and won the battle, because they were united. 
United we stand divided we fall.

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