Tuesday 31 January 2023

The Tech Savvy Teachers


A lot of teachers have upgraded their digital skills after the Covid experience. This upgrade became important after the realization that it is possible to practice distant learning among several students from different location.

 It is not a surprise therefore, why the emphasis on imbibing ICT in teaching is viewed as professional development. So every teacher who is interested in moving forward in his or her career, should as a matter of necessity acquire ICT skills.

Blended learning has always been there, but mostly among students in same location. Distance learning, came and went beyond using ICT skills in the classroom, to actually having a virtual class comprising of students from different locations.

What are the areas a teacher should look at, that gives him or her, the platform to still carry out teaching exercise, with a touch of digital experience? We can begin answering this question by looking back at the Covid era.

Two major platforms that schools and private tutors use were Zoom and Google Classrooms. These platforms made distance learning during the Covid period exciting, as they have special learning tools which aid the learning process. For Zoom, you could share a screen with your learners, write on a white board, and even record your class. The ability to record a class, allows a teacher to still teach even if he or she is not present. This is not the best, best it solves a problem for an absent student.

Google classroom is another platform that was very much used during the Covid period and till date. This platform was initially available to just schools, but later made available to individuals, who might still have some personal things to do with teaching. The tools in Google classroom are very useful to schools or private tutors. Asides enjoying the wonderful tools, a teacher can also plan classes, by scheduling them. It means you must not be available to have your class. It also gives learners the opportunity of learning at their own pace.

Most teachers who have gone out of their way to improve on their ICT skills, have not just enjoyed the benefits of being relevant  at their place of work, but have created for themselves avenues of generating extra income. It all begins with a step; set a goal to get a training in ICT, and work towards achieving it. Tech savvy teachers indeed are gradually replacing the non tech savvy teachers. Choose where you belong.




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