Thursday 5 January 2023



If you are still thinking of this, then you have to read Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook to be sure of your answer.

There is nothing as soothing, as having a threatening problem solved. As at the time Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was produced, there were serious writing issues in some schools within the area of its production. Some of these issues made it hard for some students to express themselves well in writing. The few schools that subscribed to this resource, had the writing issues of their students addressed to a great extent. Some of the school owners and leaders from these schools in turn, referred the publishers of the resource material, to other schools.

This was how Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was able to penetrate schools and started doing what it was created for; to address writing issues from the elementary level. The story has been getting better every year, as the number of schools subscribing to this great resource is also increasing.                                                                                                            



Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was not just produced to build the writing skills of students, but to  also guide teachers on what to teach and how to teach, as regards to creative writing. Hence, it is a ‘two in one package’, which equips both teachers and students.

Secondly, the writing tasks in the book is geared to making learners think, which would also build their problem solving skills, if the opportunity is made available to them.

A free training on the best approach in teaching creative writing is given to schools who subscribe to using this resource. These schools are mentored until they can manage on their own. This training is organized by a team of professionals who are in partnership with the publisher of Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook.

Most schools using Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook have given positive feedbacks on how the series, have transformed the writings of their student. It might therefore not be of the best interest of a school who has come into contact with this resource, and can afford to make the series available to their learners, to let the opportunity slip.

Do not just go for good books, go for the right books. With the writing activities in Think and Write Creative Writing Workbooks, your students would be on their way up to better writing skills. What is the best time to act than now? Put a call across today; some food taste better when they are hot!

Vidax Venture











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