Wednesday 4 October 2023

Teachers As Builders



A teacher is a rich bag filled with many good things. It is that time of the year again, when teachers are celebrated, not just for what they do, but for all the roles they play.

As a model, a teacher shows learners how to behave, and this includes how to read and write.

 As a resource provider, a teacher makes available necessary resources that help learners improve their knowledge.

As a school leader, a teacher helps to make quality decision in curriculum building, thereby giving learners a focus for learning. 

As a classroom manager, a teacher makes the class comfortable for learning and collaboration.

What can we do without teachers?

As the world celebrates teachers today, I would like to echo, on behalf of teachers all over the world, to say that teachers are special and irreplaceable.

To every  teacher out there, HAPPY WORLD TEACHERS' DAY!

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Sell Your School


I got a call from a parent outside Nigeria, and she wanted an online teacher in Nigeria for her kids. I asked her why and this was her response: “Most times I ask my kids what they do in school, and they tell me, they had swimming lessons, had some time at the gym, or had other activities aside academics.” Then she said again; “I think the attention on the social life is more than the academics.” I related this to what we have in our Nigerian schools, and asked two questions: What is the primary objective of sending kids to school? And what really sells a school?

Although every school has their vision, that guides their operations, all schools still have a common goal. This common goal is to educate learners. So the definition of education as it applies to different schools matters. In as much as different schools have their vision, it must also be noted that parents also have their goals of sending their kids to school, which primarily is so that they can read and write.

Educating a child is not a one side thing, but an all round development thing. So, while trying to satisfy parents, schools must pay attention to the various areas of development of a child. These areas include: academics, social, and emotional. The problem in establishing what a school really should focus more on, comes up, because most schools want to attract prospective parents.

Since education is encompassing, every aspect can sell a school, but most importantly, the academics. No parents would be happy if a child is very social and exposed, but cannot do well in academic work. So, schools should not focus more on activities, which are a means of marketing a school, than academics, which is a major factor.

In a nutshell, pay more attention to the academic area of your school, while you spice up with relevant activities.

Tuesday 31 January 2023

The Tech Savvy Teachers


A lot of teachers have upgraded their digital skills after the Covid experience. This upgrade became important after the realization that it is possible to practice distant learning among several students from different location.

 It is not a surprise therefore, why the emphasis on imbibing ICT in teaching is viewed as professional development. So every teacher who is interested in moving forward in his or her career, should as a matter of necessity acquire ICT skills.

Blended learning has always been there, but mostly among students in same location. Distance learning, came and went beyond using ICT skills in the classroom, to actually having a virtual class comprising of students from different locations.

What are the areas a teacher should look at, that gives him or her, the platform to still carry out teaching exercise, with a touch of digital experience? We can begin answering this question by looking back at the Covid era.

Two major platforms that schools and private tutors use were Zoom and Google Classrooms. These platforms made distance learning during the Covid period exciting, as they have special learning tools which aid the learning process. For Zoom, you could share a screen with your learners, write on a white board, and even record your class. The ability to record a class, allows a teacher to still teach even if he or she is not present. This is not the best, best it solves a problem for an absent student.

Google classroom is another platform that was very much used during the Covid period and till date. This platform was initially available to just schools, but later made available to individuals, who might still have some personal things to do with teaching. The tools in Google classroom are very useful to schools or private tutors. Asides enjoying the wonderful tools, a teacher can also plan classes, by scheduling them. It means you must not be available to have your class. It also gives learners the opportunity of learning at their own pace.

Most teachers who have gone out of their way to improve on their ICT skills, have not just enjoyed the benefits of being relevant  at their place of work, but have created for themselves avenues of generating extra income. It all begins with a step; set a goal to get a training in ICT, and work towards achieving it. Tech savvy teachers indeed are gradually replacing the non tech savvy teachers. Choose where you belong.




Saturday 14 January 2023

Professional Development For Teachers


Hello teacher, did you know that there are some professional practices that reveal your competence as a good teacher? Do not wait until your school plans a training for you,  help yourself and go for self development, as it relates to your profession.

I will outline some of the areas that every teacher should pay attention to, in the course of their professional development.

Planning lessons: Knowing the time allocated to a particular lesson and planning every section of the lesson, to align, is a skill. It organises your lesson, if the different sections are running with a planned pace. Be deliberate as you plan your lesson.

2.   Knowing the subject. There is a kind of confidence that comes on a teacher who knows his or her onion. Invest on yourself and master your subject. It shows that you are competent.

3.   Understand your learners: This is very key. Understanding your learners is relative, because there are things you consider as they relate to your learners. Some of these things are: the age of your learners, their language level, and the best way they learn. Considering and working with these factors in mind, will help any teacher in lesson delivery.

4. Imbibe ICT into your lesson: It is a known fact that tech savvy teachers will eventually replace teachers with out ICT knowledge. It is therefore Paramount that you get professional help in this area and fuss ICT into your lesson. This can take several forms like using power points presentation  to teach, present projects, or make research online. Some tasks can also be done and submitted electronically. Be intentional about this. Use ICT to add colour to your lesson.

5.  Assessment: Assessing your learners helps you to track their progress. There are several ways you can assess your learners, but let’s narrow them to the most common two:

Formative and Summative:

Formative Assessment: Assessing learners to ascertain that learning is taking place is known as Formative Assessment. This can come in the form of a question, either from the teacher or the learner. This type of assessment tells a teacher if the learners are following and understanding the lesson. It also shows a teacher areas to focus on, as a lesson continues.

Summative Assessment: This is the type of assessment that teachers are used to. In this type of assessment, you assess learners based on what had been taught for a period of time. It could come as a midterm test, or termly examinations, after which scores are awarded. After an assessment, a teacher is able to know if he or she is doing well or not, and the next course of action to take. Be intentional as a teacher.











Planning For a New Term


Not planning, as most people believe, is planning to fail. If as a school leader, you start planning at the beginning of a term, then you are late and heading for a non focused journey. The role of planning, especially for a new term, cannot be underplayed, because there are a whole lot to consider before activating the calendar of the new term.

Apart from the general operation of a school system, which in itself should be a major factor, there are other things that tighten the grip of any school on their clients. Some of these factors call for serious planning before the start of a new term.  Let's consider some of them:

1.      Curriculum: Most parents like to know if they can entrust the academic lives of their kids into the hands of your school. So as a school leader, there is a need for you to always review your curriculum. Is your curriculum in line with the vision of your school? Is it helping you raise the kind of kids you desire to breed? Is the support provided really working? If not, what do you do to make it work?

2.      Structure: A school without a structure cannot be trusted in terms of sustainability. Structure is like the several branches of a tree that remains green, because they are rooted deeply. Is your school strong enough to maintain a system, in spite of any odd? What can you do differently, to give your school a deeper root? Whatever you do, maintain a system. It makes your clients, believe in your school, even when you are not saying a word.

3.      Consistency: Being inconsistent reveals a weakness that you are indecisive and unstable. A school leader should be visionary enough to see through obstacles and remain focused. So, what is your strategy of remaining focused? How do you still hold your grip on a system, when it is threatened by the resignation of valued teachers, the bad result of a hasty decision, accruing bills, and work pressure?

4.      Standard:  personally, I believe that a good school always sells itself. What are your standards, and how do you measure them? Always compare your school with schools that are ahead of yours in terms of structure, growth and experience. Raise the bar of your school high and you will attract clients who are looking for excellence or nothing else.

5.      Competition. If five top schools are mentioned in your neighborhood and your school is not on that list means that you are not competitive. Most parents who can afford it, take their kids to the school they believe are the best. Note that a school is not good, because of its structure it size, but because it meets the academic needs of learners and makes them better. Be intentional therefore, on the activities that make you measure up to the good schools around you.

6.      Professional development. The primary reason of taking kids to school is so they can be taught by teachers and learn. In other words, teachers are a major factor to be considered at the close of every term. How do you intend to improve on your man power? Trained and competent teachers can sell a school any day, because they spend more time with the kids in school and parents know that. So, train, train and keep retraining your teachers.

7.      Target: If you are looking at result, then you should have targets. What are your academic expectations across the grades? You should set a working system in place for tracking the progress of your learners, and providing new support if targets are not met.

Pay attention to these areas as you plan to advance your school every term,  and you would be glad you did.

Thursday 5 January 2023



If you are still thinking of this, then you have to read Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook to be sure of your answer.

There is nothing as soothing, as having a threatening problem solved. As at the time Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was produced, there were serious writing issues in some schools within the area of its production. Some of these issues made it hard for some students to express themselves well in writing. The few schools that subscribed to this resource, had the writing issues of their students addressed to a great extent. Some of the school owners and leaders from these schools in turn, referred the publishers of the resource material, to other schools.

This was how Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was able to penetrate schools and started doing what it was created for; to address writing issues from the elementary level. The story has been getting better every year, as the number of schools subscribing to this great resource is also increasing.                                                                                                            



Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook was not just produced to build the writing skills of students, but to  also guide teachers on what to teach and how to teach, as regards to creative writing. Hence, it is a ‘two in one package’, which equips both teachers and students.

Secondly, the writing tasks in the book is geared to making learners think, which would also build their problem solving skills, if the opportunity is made available to them.

A free training on the best approach in teaching creative writing is given to schools who subscribe to using this resource. These schools are mentored until they can manage on their own. This training is organized by a team of professionals who are in partnership with the publisher of Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook.

Most schools using Think and Write Creative Writing Workbook have given positive feedbacks on how the series, have transformed the writings of their student. It might therefore not be of the best interest of a school who has come into contact with this resource, and can afford to make the series available to their learners, to let the opportunity slip.

Do not just go for good books, go for the right books. With the writing activities in Think and Write Creative Writing Workbooks, your students would be on their way up to better writing skills. What is the best time to act than now? Put a call across today; some food taste better when they are hot!

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