Friday 28 February 2020

Improve on Your Writing Skill

What is the difference between one writing piece and another? What makes a reader stay glued to one written text and ignores the other? It is simple; the way in which language is used to communicate the ideas. 

Did you know that that there are traits every good writing should have which makes it stand out from the norm? One of such traits is the choice of words of the writer. Good writers deliberately choose and use words for special effects.

Nachy Writing Academy is born not just to discover the writer in you, but to also help improve your writing skill. We are committed to discovering, training and helping you write better.

Are you a teacher, school owner, student, or even a businessman? Then, you might just be one call away from improving your writing skill.

NACHY WRITING ACADEMY:  raising the next generation of writers!

Saturday 22 February 2020

The Rising Star by Uche Osondu

A Chapter by Chapter summary

Chapter 1
The result of the first school leaving certificate of the primary six pupils in Itutu Educational Destrict is out. The news of the result spreads and is everywhere, some pupil did well while some did not.  The district head, Mr Akpabio, promises a scholarship of one hundred and fifty thousand naira to any pupil who does well in all the papers. Bassey who  is from  Ikot Ansa primary school, was the lucky pupil who wins the scholarship with his brilliant performance, as a result of his determination.

Chapter 2
Bassey is at home with his friends when his mother calls him. He spends some time joking with his mother before his father joins in on their joke. Bassey ‘s mother tells Bassey how  his father worked so hard to marry her. They all talk for a while about uncle Richard’s visit to the village with his new wife. When Ekaete, Bassey’s mother left. Ubong continues to talk with his son, and he advises him about women.

Chapters 3
Bassey’s parents are not in agreement of Bassey  travelling with his uncle to the city. They both argue about it. Bassey however doesn’t agree with his mother because he wants to go to the city. Finally his father decides that Bassey would go and he advices  Bassey to behave well and keep good company.  Bassey’s mother is sad about it.

Chapter 4
Bassey’s father  unfolds the visit of Bassey’s uncle to the village with his wife. Uncle  Richard  gifts for a lot of people and promises to buy a bicycle for Bassey, because of his excellent performance in the first school leaving certificate examination.  Bassey cannot  wait to go to the city where he would see many things.  His uncle spends ten days in the village before leaving the village.  
Chapters 5 Bassey is packing  excitedly to go to the city. He spends  some time  with his friend Mfon, and they both talk about the city. Mfon  tells Bassey how his uncle Udofia went to the city and forgot about the village.  Bassey’s mother is sad that Bassey is going away, she advices ...

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Friday 21 February 2020

The Kind Girl

A story by Udo Sunday Emmanuella, a JSS 1 student of The Entrep Academy School.

Once upon a time, in a village called Uju, there lived a farmer and his wife Mr and Mrs Okon. They had no child of their own for many years. One day on his way to the farm, Mr Okon, met an old woman who gave him a golden box and some instructions. He took the box home with so much faith, and followed the instructions of the old woman.

Three months later, his wife Mrs Okon, got pregnant and gave birth to a lovely baby girl, who was adored by everyone in the village. Her name was Sira. Sira grew up to be a humble respectful and hardworking young girl.

On her way to the farm one day, Sira met a man who by chance was travelling across the village and was robbed of his money, cloth and water. Sira saw him and out of compassion for the stranger, got some food and water and went home to get a cloth for him. He thanked her and went away. That was the beginning of Sira’s kindness.

Sira grew up with the habit of kindness and was shocked by a surprise visit from the first man she ever helped who was now in search of a wife. He visited with some gifts which she taught she didn’t deserved. It was then that the man told her of his intension to marry her.

So for a start, with her parents’ consent, Sira followed the man whose name was John to his home to meet with his parents, who fixed a date for the discussion of the planned marriage. Both parents met and set a date for the traditional marriage. After the marriage, Sira and John lived as husband and wife and Sira gave birth to a set of twins and they lived happily after.

Moral Lesson: There is a reward for being good


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The 21st century educators are those ones who move with time in the academic system, and strive to find modern ways of teaching and impacting knowledge. Below is a summary of some of the ways a teacher could effectively improve on his or her teaching in the classroom.

1. Most times when a subject appears to be too concentrated, it takes a longer time for a teacher to be able to drive home his point to the students put under his care to impact on, this is where identifying the similarities and differences comes in, in  teaching any given subject. Being able to break a subject down and taking the parts in turn goes a long way to making it simple for students to understand what a teacher is passing across.

Until a student understands and is able to put in his or her own words what has been taught, it cannot be said that a teacher has succeeded in transferring knowledge. This is because most times, students do not go back to their notes, but if they are able to form their notes using their own words, what is taught sticks because it is from their understanding of the subject. This doesn’t mean however that a teacher should not prepare his or her own notes.

Every student needs to be motivated to work, and as result not just the students that do well should be appreciated, but even the ones that are believed to be backward. Introducing a kind of incentive for good performance, as well as driving other students by awarding them gifts, even when academically, they may not deserve it, would go a great length to helping a teacher achieve a positive result with his work.

Apart from keeping a child busy outside school with homework, a teacher should also ...

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Thursday 20 February 2020


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A story written by  Odu C. Raymond JSS 2 student from The Entrep Academy School

Once upon a time, there lived two dolphin parents, they had a baby dolphin which was addressed as Dumbo. Dumbo was different from other dolphins, because he was half dolphin and half whale. At a point in time, a particular blue whale was attacking their territory and the sea community nicknamed it the ‘Monster’. So with nowhere else to go to, Dumbo followed his destiny without knowing where it was leading him. So many incidents happened during Dumbo’s life time.

One particular day, Dumbo wandered about in a part of his territory that had less water creatures, because he wanted to be alone. As Dumbo was moving, he nearly passed the territory boundary, when a blue whale, the particular one which was terrorizing other sea creatures, came up and was observing him without his knowledge. He examined Dumbo and was convinced that Dumbo was a whale, so he tried to push him over, but Dumbo had half the swimming power of both dolphins and whales, so he swam very well and went back to his territory. 

This event made the blue whale to attack the dolphins more to the extent that Dumbo was made to live in the central area of the sea where he was more oppressed One day Dumbo decided to face his destiny, so, he decided to take a long journey to land, despite all the dangerous whales and long distance. He did everything that he could have done to prepare himself, before going away trickily without his parents’ knowledge. 

As he traveled on the surface of the water, he saved a drowning crew of marine workers, and with his great speed of swimming and whale strength, Dumbo flipped up five men on board a ship, with his powerful tail. Finally, the captain of the crew who had fallen a meter above sea level held his breath, as he was about to release it, Dumbo dived into the water and saved him. The crew remembered that they were the ones who mixed male and female gametes of dolphins and blue whales, and accidentally poured the blue whales gametes on the dolphins own, and had to quickly exit because of a shark attack. So the marine workers, moved Dumbo and his community of dolphins to a better and a more peaceful part of the sea, where they all lived. 

All other sea creatures who oppressed him, asked for his forgiveness and Dumbo forgave them all. News spread like wide fire and within a short time, a large multitude of people knew about Dumbo. Dumbo was awarded with a great title known as the “The Great Whalphin”. 

 MORAL LESSON: Discover your uniqueness. 

1. What made Dumbo special? 
2. What is the name of the animal that was attacking the dolphins? 
3. Which set of people did Dumbo rescue? 
4. Why was Dumbo awarded a title? 
5. In your own words, explain what you think is the moral lesson in the story?