Saturday 22 February 2020

The Rising Star by Uche Osondu

A Chapter by Chapter summary

Chapter 1
The result of the first school leaving certificate of the primary six pupils in Itutu Educational Destrict is out. The news of the result spreads and is everywhere, some pupil did well while some did not.  The district head, Mr Akpabio, promises a scholarship of one hundred and fifty thousand naira to any pupil who does well in all the papers. Bassey who  is from  Ikot Ansa primary school, was the lucky pupil who wins the scholarship with his brilliant performance, as a result of his determination.

Chapter 2
Bassey is at home with his friends when his mother calls him. He spends some time joking with his mother before his father joins in on their joke. Bassey ‘s mother tells Bassey how  his father worked so hard to marry her. They all talk for a while about uncle Richard’s visit to the village with his new wife. When Ekaete, Bassey’s mother left. Ubong continues to talk with his son, and he advises him about women.

Chapters 3
Bassey’s parents are not in agreement of Bassey  travelling with his uncle to the city. They both argue about it. Bassey however doesn’t agree with his mother because he wants to go to the city. Finally his father decides that Bassey would go and he advices  Bassey to behave well and keep good company.  Bassey’s mother is sad about it.

Chapter 4
Bassey’s father  unfolds the visit of Bassey’s uncle to the village with his wife. Uncle  Richard  gifts for a lot of people and promises to buy a bicycle for Bassey, because of his excellent performance in the first school leaving certificate examination.  Bassey cannot  wait to go to the city where he would see many things.  His uncle spends ten days in the village before leaving the village.  
Chapters 5 Bassey is packing  excitedly to go to the city. He spends  some time  with his friend Mfon, and they both talk about the city. Mfon  tells Bassey how his uncle Udofia went to the city and forgot about the village.  Bassey’s mother is sad that Bassey is going away, she advices ...

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