Monday 5 October 2020

Happy World Teachers' Day

Have you ever worked before without a pay? maybe not. well for a few, the answer may be a 'yes'. I fortunately belong to that minority. It is not stupidity, far from it; it is passion. It is good to work for money, after all, that's why we work, to make ends meet, but more importantly, it is better to be driven by passion in what you do. This is because when the chips are down, passion can keep you going, and you know what, it pays at the end of the day. This is coming from the experience of doing something that I have always loved.                                                                           

Teaching is a passion that is rewarding. The fulfilling thing about this profession is not just standing in front of students and feeling superior; it is impacting something that might stay with the next generation and help to prepare them for life. Knowing then that educators are saddled with the responsibility of not just building the intellect of young minds, but also helping their all round development; every teacher must raise the bar higher.

Teachers are great builders. They are a major step in the bridge that takes our young ones to the top. So if you are a teacher and love what you do, keep at it. The greatest reward is in the lives of the children that we are impacting.  Happy World Teachers's Day to every teacher out there!

Friday 31 July 2020

The Three Little Pigs

It was another exciting period, as I listened to my young writers give their different perspectives on the story of The Three Little Pigs. The ideas are so interesting; please enjoy reading their stories!

A story by Zoe Nnaji (7 years old)

Once there were three little pigs. One day, the three little pigs were reading some books about wild animals. One reading about a lion, the other about a snake and the last little pig read about a crocodile. They mimicked the animals they were reading about.

Then when the animals that they were reading about heard the three little pigs mimicking them, the animals started chasing them. The pigs ran and ran, then thought of an idea. They decided to disguise themselves as other animals.

So when the wild animals saw them, they did not recognize them and kept looking for them.


A story by Gemma Worukwo (7 years old)

Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs. They lived in a small hut near the forest. One day, they heard a loud sound. The three little pigs were so scared, so they followed the sound and entered into a lion's cave. One of the pigs unknowingly woke up the lion, and the lion started chasing them. So the pigs decided to hide in the bush and set a trap for the lion. The lion fell into the trap, and the three little pigs lived happily ever after without fear of the lion.


A story by Elnathan Adegboro (6 years old)

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who built three boats. The first pig’s boat was built with straws; the second pig built his boat with sticks, while the third pig built his boat with iron.

There came a big bad wolf one day, with his pirate boat wanting to destroy the three boats built by the three pigs. Two of the boats were destroyed, but the boat that was built with iron could not be destroyed.

The other two pigs learnt that it is better to build with a strong material and the three little pigs lived happily ever after.


A story by Olivia Nnaji (6 years old)

One day, the three little pigs were playing outside their house. As they were playing, a big bad wolf quietly entered their house and destroyed everything in the house. When the three little pigs entered the house after playing, they saw their house, and it was a mess.

They blamed the cause on themselves and started fighting one another. They injured themselves and were about going to the hospital when they saw some marks on their wall. They recognized where it came from; it came from the paw of  the big bad wolf. The three little pigs then apologized to themselves and became friends again.


A story by Victor Stanley (6 years old)

There were once three little pigs that visited a Juice Shop. The first pig ordered for a  strawberry juice, the second pig ordered for a lemonade juice and the third pig ordered for a pineapple juice. When they had finished with their drinks, they discovered they had no money to pay for them. So they had no choice, but to work for the juice maker in exchange for the money before he let them to go.


A story by Daniel Iheme (7 years old)

Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs.  The first pig was a scientist; the second pig a doctor, while the third was a basketball player. 

One day, when the first pig went to his computer laboratory, he found out that a rock was about to fall and immediately he informed the other pigs. The second pig listened to the first pig, but the third pig who was a basketball player refused to follow the others out of where they lived. The third pig did not follow his friends because he didn't believe in science. All he was interested in was to prepare for the next game he had. So the other pigs left him.

One day, when he was trying out his basketball skill, he felt the ground shaking and was so scared. As soon as he looked up he saw a huge rock falling and ran as fast as he could.

The third little pig didn’t make it, because as soon as the rock hit the ground, the ground opened up and he fell and died.

Do your kids have potentials to write? Then what are you waiting for? Enrol them today in our online Creative Writing Class. Send an SMS to +2347042256896 indicating your interest.

Nachy Writing Academy: Raising the next generation of Writers.








Saturday 11 July 2020

Young Writers Write: The Rain

I was  happy hearing my young writers share their experiences of 'The Rain'. It was so interesting to know that these young minds are busy observing and seeking for ways  to express their thoughts and imagination. You never know how deep they can think, until you listen to them.  Enjoy reading their poems. 

A poem by Ugonnaya Daniel Iheme, 7 years old
Calvary Garden Nursery and Primary School, Lagos, Nigeria

In the darkest night
There came a stormy wind
Then what followed 
Was the rain beating
Against the bushes
And the roaring thunder
I also saw lights in the sky come and go
The streets were flooded
It all began with just a wind

A poem by Zoe Nnaji, 7 years old
New Land Elementary School, Lagos, Nigeria

I went outside to play
But it was too windy
I went back inside to take a short nap
I woke up and it started drizzling
I thought the rain was about to stop
But it started raining heavily
I was so surprised
The wind brought the rain
I had to go back to sleep

A poem by Olivia Nnaji, 6 years old
New Land Elementary School, Lagos, Nigeria

I was at home when it started to rain
The rain didn't scare me until the thunder came
The thunder and lightening scared me so badly
I quickly ran and hid under the bed
It didn't take long and the rain stopped
I came out from under the bed so happy

A poem by Victor Stanley, 6 years old
Vine International School Iwofe, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

It was a cold night
I could feel the chills all over my body
I hurriedly closed the windows
I reached out for my coat
As I lay on my bed
To enjoy the night sleep
I covered myself
With my blanket to keep warm.

A poem by Adegboro Elnathan Ohunoluwa, 6 years
Vine International School, Port Harcourt

It was raining,
I needed an umbrella
A pair of boots
And a rain coat.
To go home
I got an umbrella,
A rain coat and a pair of boots.
The street was flooded
But I had to get home
It was such a wet day

A poem by Gemma Chimenum Worokwo, 7 years
Bloombreed Montessori School, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

It was a cloudy day
No one could see
Because the sky was cloudy and dark
I thought it was night again
But I noticed that it wanted to rain
It didn’t take a long time
The rain started to drop
It was so heavy
That I went back to sleep.

Nachy Writing Academy is ready to discover that writing gift in your child. Give us a call to enroll  in our Online Creative Writing Class. Together, we can build the next generation of writers. See you at the top!

Monday 6 July 2020


First Term Examination PART A


Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the options lettered A – E.

Anoka’s problem started the day Solo his father received his army discharge gratuity. For three years he had gone to Nigerian Army Pensions Office (NAPO) in Beku begging to be paid his gratuity of Four Hundred Thousand Naira, but he always returned home with a baleful story of a corrupt bureaucratic bottle-neck that was denying him his entitlement. Finally, he was paid after bribing the pension officer and the desk clerk who on all occasions previous to his payment had always looked at him like a dog eying a fat bone. 
It was evening so he hurried back home for fear of running into one of the armed robbery bandits infesting Beku. When he got home, he went straight to his big iron box and put inside it. Sometime in the midnight, his wife tapped in her effort to wake him up when she heard the creaking of their door; but he slept on with his usual nasal strains. She had to squeeze his nose before he could wake up. However, the door was burgled and the unwelcomed visitors made away with Solo’s money, while he helplessly wailed and cursed the day he was born.
As for Anoka who grunted while the raid lasted, he had to drop out of school few months later because his parents could not afford to pay his tuition.

1.Solo was (a) Anoka’s uncle (b) Anoka’s father (c) Anoka’s son (d) Anoka’s son – in – law (e) Anoka’s brother
2.Who went to the Nigerian Army Pensions Office (NAPO) at Beku? (a) Anoka (b) Beku (c) Solo (d) Solo’s wife (e) Anoka’s parents
3.According to the passage, the gratuity was not initially paid because(a) the officers at the Nigerian Army Pensions were sick (b) the Nigerian Army Pensions Office was non – existent (c) the Nigerian Army Pensions Office had gone bankrupt (d) the officials at the NAPO were corrupt (e) there was no gratuity to be paid
4.Where was the money kept? (a) The money was kept under a pillow (b) The money was kept in a bowl. (c) The money was kept in a bottle (d) The money was hidden under a bushel (e) The money was kept inside a big iron box.
5. Who were the unwelcomed visitors mentioned in the passage? (a) Solo’s friends (b) Anoka’s cousins (c) bandits (d) Solo’s neighbours (e) NAPO officials

SECTION 2: Grammar

Fill the blank spaces with the suitable word from the options
6. She is the......... of all the girls (A) tallest (B) taller (C) tall (D) high
7. My copy is......... than yours (A) good (B) best (C) more better (D) better
8. Thank you for returning my call so.............. (A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicker (D) quickest
9. According to the recent election's results, the Democrats are ---- of the four main political parties.(A) the smaller ( B) the  smallest (C) much smaller (D) smaller
10. She was wearing a pair of...................... Shoes (A) beauty (B) red beautiful (C) beautiful red (D) beautifully red
11. The fruit was............ Ripe and ready to be eaten (A)  fully (B) much (C) too (D) very
12. The boy 's father warned him not to........... With bad friends (A) be familiar (B) engaged (C)  go out (D) keep company
13. My mother in law who is my wife 's........ Will visit us next month  (A) grand mother (B) mother (C) old woman (D)  sister
14. The staff gave the Director  a..............  Ovation (A) sitting (B)  sounding (C) standing (D) surprising
15. Microsoft ware was________by an American, Bill Gates. (A.) developed  (B) . invented    (C.) introduced (D) made   
16. “I am hungry” is re- written in reported form as _______ hungry. (a) He said he was (b) He says I was (c) He said I am (d) I am (e) I was
17. The police came much later after the robbers _______. (a) had gone (b) has gone (c) has went (d) have go (e) have gone
18. The statement “We ate yam”, re –written in the passive form will be ________. (a) We have eaten yam. (b) Yam is eating (c) Yam is eaten. (d) Yam was eaten. (e) Yam was being eaten.
19.The GSM operators have _______ assurance to make enough cards available. (a) gave (b) give (c) given (d) gives (e) giving
20.The patient was discharged _______ the hospital yesterday. (A) around (b) at (c) from (d) in (e) with
SECTION 3 : Speech Work
Identify the words with the same Phonetic sound
21. /p/ (a) pick (b) psychology (c) psychotic (d) psalm (e) philosophy
22. /t/ bath (b) jumped (c) path (d) these (e) thin
23. /f/  (a) Philosophy (b) Psychology (c) chose (d) past (e) moist
24. /g/ (a) great (b) mail (c) cheese (d) live (e) cat
25. m/ (a) make (b) nick (c) van (d) nail (e) great
PART  B: (answer 3 questions from this section,  one from Essay ,  then all questions form Grammar and  Speech work )
In less than 250 words, write an Essay on any of these topic :
1.      What I do every day
2.      A place of interest I have visited

3.      Form one sentence each  with
      (a) Transitive verb
(b)     Intransitive verb
(c)    Present continuous tense
(d)    Past perfect tense
(e)     Simple present tense
Speech work
4. Write 3 words that have 3 consonants Cluster at the initial positions
5. Write 3 words that have consonants Cluster at the final position


JSS 1 English First Term Examination


Fill the blank spaces with the suitable word from the options

1. No News.......... been heard yet about the missing boy (A)  have (B) is (C)  has (D)  will
2. The cash prize is for Mary and.......... (A) I (B) she (C) me (D) he
3. Mr Johnson speaks........ (A) loud (B) loudly (C) louding (D) low
4........ Mary live in London (A) Do (B)  Have (C) Does (D) Haven’t
5.  Frank as well as his sister........ coming to the party  (A) is (B) were (C) are (D) aren’t
6. Sue always...........   her flute in the afternoon (A) practice (B) practicing (C) practices (D) will practice
7. It......... Cloudy tomorrow (A)  will be (B) is (C) was (D) were
8. .My father______ to help people (A) love (B)  like (C)  loves (D) “is liking”
9.The  cake has gone half way,  because Ada ______ a part of it yesterday (A)  cutted (B) cut (C) share (D) give
10. Usman’s father has a ______ of cars.  (A) fleet (B) Bunch (C) Pride (D) pack
11.  Last year, I ______ to study every night, because I wanted to pass my exams. (a) am having (b) had (c) have (d) has having (e) would have
12. She dedicated the novel _______ her aunt. (a) at (b) for (c) in (d) on (e) to
13.Mariam won the race because she ran ______ than Esther. (a) fast (b) faster (c) fastest (d) more fast (e) more fastly
14.Musa brought ______ of sand to the construction site. (a) bunches (b) grains (c) heaps (d) pieces (e) piles
15.John  did not take part ______ the parade. (a) at (b) for (c) in (d) on (e) with
Speech work
Which of the words in questions 26 and 27 have the same sound as the Phonetic Symbol below
16. /ɜ: / (a) bud (b) chair (c) girl (d) met (e) pair
17./ÊŒ/  (a) bucket (b) future (c) journey (d) tailor (e) turn
18. Another name for a single vowel sound is....... (A) Diphthong (B) Tripthong (C) Syllable (D) pure Vowel
19. There are........... Short Vowel sounds in English language (A)  10 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 3
20. There are.......... Long vowel sounds in English language (A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 2 (D) 9
Section B (answer 3 questions from this section,  one from Essay,  and all the questions in the Grammar and speech work section)
In less than 250 words write an Essay on any of these topic
1.  My best friend
2.  A market place
3.Identify the parts of speech that is underlined in the following sentences
 (a) Amaka is such a beautiful gjrl
  (b) That book belongs to her
  (c) Most people love to travel to America
  (d) caught Ada hiding behind the door
  (e) She went towards the school
  (f) They couldn’t eat, although they were hungry
What type of adjective is used in the sentences below (quality,  quantity,   colour,  number )
  (g) I have a golden brown dog
  (h) My mother is generous
  (i) I was given a pair of shoes as a gift
  (j) you need enough  water to quench church your thirst
Speech work
(a) another name for speech organs is..............
(b) give two example of sounds that are described as bilabial sounds
(c)  give two examples of labiodental sounds
(d) describe a Vowel sound
(e) Define a voiced consonant
Give two examples each of words in which the following Phonetic sound occur
(f) / É‘:/    
(g) /I:/    
(h) / Éœ:/  
(i) / æ/ 
(j) / ʌ/

Sunday 5 July 2020

Writing Acrostic: Young Writers

It was such a fun to watch these young writers as they described themselves with new words they learnt in acrostic poems. You never know how creative they are until you get them to write.

 I am                                                                                            

Obedient and                                                                         

I am JASON       

I am                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Motivating and
I am DELIGHTSOME              

I am                                                                                        

Intelligent and                                                                  
I am DAVID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
I am

Interesting and

I am ELVIS          

I am                                                                                                                             

Loyal and

I am Miracle