Thursday 11 April 2024

Teach the Concept

Meeting learners' need is a strong motivator in achieving set out goals in teaching. As a result, teachers should be intentional in delivering their content to ensure that every learner’s need is met at the end of the day.

This is why a focus on the various concepts of topics should be drilled in learners. Until your students understand a given concept, they have not really gotten it, and cannot apply it.

Teaching some topics on parts of speech, like nouns, adjectives and verbs, would require that learners grasp an understanding of the major concepts of these topics, to be able to use them effectively.

A noun is not to be taught as the name of a person, animal, place or thing, but as a ‘naming word ‘ that is, a word that names a person, animal, place, or thing. The same way an adjective should be viewed as a describing word, and a verb, a doing word.

Once the concept is established, it is easier for learners to identify these parts of speech in writing and would be able to use them correctly.

The next step is how to achieve this. I would suggest that this is taught in three steps:

1.      1. Teach the concept

2.      2. Create activities that help learners identify the  concepts

3.     3.  Use the concept in speaking or writing

If your objective at the end of the day is to make your students apply knowledge, then you must teach the concept, and allow them relate them to real life.

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