Wednesday 5 October 2022

Happy World Teachers' Day



Have you ever imagined how the world would look like without teachers? A world perhaps, where parents and guardians would be struggling without a headway to meet up with their roles as parents, and molding complete individuals. Teachers are special and teaching is a noble profession.  

The importance of teachers in the society cannot be underestimated as their glaring roles stare at the world repeatedly. It is not a surprise therefore, that the world has created a space in its calendar to celebrate teachers.

The roles of teachers range from School leaders, Curriculum specialist, Learning facilitators, classroom supporters, Resource providers, Mentors to Instructional specialist.

The responsibilities are enormous, and the result are to a great extent, visible in the lives of some learners. Beyond the classroom, teachers are faced with other hidden tasks, which contribute greatly to the development of total individuals.

To every teacher out there, who had taken out time to be committed to their job, to raise 21st century learners, time will reveal your effort. Keep being dedicated, and add patience and enthusiasm to your work. Proudly a teacher! Happy World Teachers’ Day.

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Sunday 2 October 2022

The Creative Teacher


There are many routes to a place, and which ever route a driver takes to his destination, depends on his present situation. If I had a treasure and needed to get on the other side of a wall, I could choose to climb over the wall, jump over the wall, or make a hole and go through the wall. Whichever way, I get to my treasure. This is creativity; it is turning imaginative ideas into realities.

The concept of creativity in teaching arises because, there is a problem which has to be solved to meet set objectives. In other words, a creative teacher is one who has a skill of solving problems. Creativity allows you to see things in different ways and express yourself.

As a creative teacher, you must have different ways of meeting your learners’ need. Doing it the same old way could be boring and not give you the expected result. One way to be creative is promoting the 21st century skills through critical thinking and problem solving skill. You must be able to measure your proficiency in the 21st century skills, so as to help your learner develop theirs.

It is vital then, to have a personal plan of a continuous professional development if you must stay relevant. You hit your target and make more impact, when you are equipped for the task. It’s a new era, where the new normal has come to stay. Get creative “teacher”; do it differently this time.

Developing 21st Century Learners