Tuesday 14 September 2021


One of the challenges that confront the twenty first century teachers, is being able to deliver their subject based content to suit various types of learners. This is what differentiation in a lesson plan is all about.

Understanding your students is key to helping you deliver your content.  This is because it gives you an edge, and allows you to meet various learners’ need, by exploring different learning styles.

Teaching has gone beyond the conventional way of a teacher just standing in front of a board, and hoping that all learners would follow. It is more of strategies geared towards meeting different learners’ need, where students do not just learn, but learn with ease, enjoying the process as they go.

What is the teacher’s responsibility then? Everyone who has embraced teaching as a profession should improve and expose themselves to different teaching methods. It is accepted today, in most private schools, that there is no dull child in a class. Every child has a peculiar way of learning, which should be discovered.

If you believe that you are born for the teaching job, then you need to know that it is more than just your paper qualification or pay pack. It is about who you are, and how you do what you do. Meeting the different learners’ need, should be a drive.

Image from teachers.org