Sunday 27 October 2019


It is a true saying that many hands make light work. We cannot fully grasp the full meaning of this statement until we have practically been involved in something that required everyone giving their quota, and achieving a common objective at the end.
Although the background here is academics, it takes more than just academics to be successful and to be  a person of impact . Beyond the four walls of a school, every student is expected to be a positive influence at home, in the school and the society at large. This requires a joint effort from every one who is involved in the development of the human mind.

The idea of working as a team to achieve success in the lives of students cannot be ruled out. We all have our parts to play. The team spirt is one that should  exist among these three; parents, students and teachers. Parents playing their roles in the lives of their children, give teachers more time to focus on academics more, and not more on morals. Although teachers are also saddled with the responsibility of helping students with their moral lives, it is not the primary objective of a teacher. This is because teachers are concerned with their primary assignment of teaching before working on another assignment along the way.

The general objective is to help a student to develop mentally and have good morals. So as parents and teachers lay hold of their joint responsibilities and fulfil  them, it is now left for the growing child to learn to stand up for the good values that have imbibed in him or her, from the home front and the school.

Every student has the potential to be great. They must learn that  those expected to teach them good values cannot do all the work for them. They must learn to also create a positive atmosphere for success around them. This include choosing their peers, and standing for what they believe in  the society.

Building this team spirit among parents, students and teachers, and also having a  goal of raising good future leaders, will no doubt lead us some where above the average mark. Our aim is success, and it is very achievable if we all play our roles well.

Rate your School: Write Our Free Assessment Test on Creative Writing

Beyond the conventional way of thinking, every individual should be able to go out of the box if things must be done differently. It is therefore the aim of various schools to develop young minds not to just to be knowledgeable, but also to be intellectually sound. 

Simply put, creative writing provokes the mind to think outside the box, it helps the imaginative mind to be more productive. Think of having a young mind with the potential of writing a book yet never discovered. We are committed to discovering, equipping and helping creative writers come to limelight. 

you can put your school on a scale, and know where to pick up from. Contact us, for our free assessment test, and let us get started.