Thursday 12 September 2019


Words which have similar meaning are called synonyms. They help to avoid some repetition of words,  thereby making a writing  piece rich with vocabulary. Examples of synonyms:

abundant plenty
powerful strong
Profit gain
arrive come
blank empty
aid                  help
buy                 purchase
weak feeble
broad wide
rapid quick

Replace the underlined word with their synonyms
1. We assembled there last Saturday
2. The wide river is shallow
3The table is circular in shape
4. The man is so huge 
5. We talked till ten o’clock
6. There is no vacant seat here

The use of Figures of speech in English

Figures of speech are techniques that writers use to make their writings more interesting. They are used to create some special effects . Examples are

1. Simile : this is the comparison of two similar things using  "as"  or "like".  Example :  a. Ade is as dirty as a pig
b. Stop crawling like a snail
2. Metaphor : this is a direct comparison of two things,  but in this case "as"  or "like"  is not used,  as one thing is stated as another. Example:
 a.  Emeka is a Lion
 b.  My mother is an angel
3. Irony.  This is a statement or something that means the opposite. Example:
a.  She is so intelligent that she came first from  behind.
b. Thank you so much for getting me into trouble,  it was quite helpful
4. Euphemism. This is a nice way of saying unpleasant. Example :
a. Amaka has been put in the family way. This means that Amaka is pregnant
b. The old man killed the bucket yesterday. This means the old man died yesterday.
5. Hyperbole : This is an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. Example:
a. Thanks a million
b. After the fight, John was swimming  in a pool of his  own blood

Write a fourteen line poem,  and use at least three figures of speech to enrich your language.