Sunday 17 June 2018

Jss 1 English questions

Jss 1  English questions first term

 Grammar ( answer all questions in this section)

Fill the blank spaces with the suitable word from the options
1.  No news.......... been heard yet about the missing boy (a)  have (b) is (c)  has (d)  will (e) had
2. The cash prize is for Mary and.......... (a) I (b) she (c) me (d) he (e) he
3. Mr Johnson speaks........ (a) loud (b) loudly (c) louding (d) low (e) lowest
4........ Mary live in London (a) Do (b)  Have (c) Does (d) Have not (e) haven’nt
5.  Frank as well as his sister........ coming to the party  (a) is (b) were (c) are (d) aren’t (e)weren’t
6. Sue always...........   her flute in the afternoon (a) practice (b) practicing (c) practices (d) will practice (e) has  practiced
7. It......... Cloudy tomorrow (a)  will be (b) is (c) was (d) were (e) has been
8. My father______ to help people (a) love (b)  like (c)  loves (d) “is liking” (e) has liked
9.The  cake has gone half way,  because Ada ______ a part of it yesterday (a)  cutted (b) cut (c) share (d) give (e) has ate
10 . Usman’s father has a ______ of cars.  (a) fleet (b) Bunch (c) Pride (d) pack (e) team
11.  Last year, I ______ to study every night, because I wanted to pass my exams. (a) am having (b) had (c) have (d) has having (e) would have
12. She dedicated the novel _______ her aunt. (a) at (b) for (c) in (d) on (e) to
13. Mariam won the race because she ran ______ than Esther. (a) fast (b) faster (c) fastest (d) more fast (e) more fastly
14. Musa brought ______ of sand to the construction site. (a) bunches (b) grains (c) heaps (d) pieces (e) piles
15 .John  did not take part ______ the parade. (a) at (b) for (c) in (d) on (e) with

Speech work 
Which of the words in questions 26 and 27 have the same sound as the Phonetic Symbol below
 16. /ɜ: / (a) bud (b) chair (c) girl (d) met (e) pair
17./ʌ/  (a) bucket (b) future (c) journey (d) tailor (e) turn
18. Another name for Monophthongs is....... (a) diphthong (b) Triphthongs (c) Syllable (d) pure Vowels (e) intonation
19. There are........... Short Vowel sounds in English language (a)  10 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 3(e)4
20. There are.......... Long vowel sounds in English language (a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 2 (d) 9 (e)8

Section B : (answer 3 questions from this section,  one from Essay,  and all the questions in the Grammar and speech work section)

In less than 250 words write an Essay on any of these topic
1. My best friend
2. A market place

3. Identify the parts of speech that are underlined in the following sentences
 (a) Amaka is such a beautiful girl
  (b) That book belongs to her
  (c) Most people love to travel to America
  (d) I caught Ada hiding behind the door
  (e) She went towards the school
  (f) They couldn’t eat,  although they were hungry
What type of adjective is used in the sentences below (quality,  quantity,   colour,  number )
  (g) I have a golden brown dog
  (h) My mother is generous
  (i) I was given a pair of shoes as a gift
  (j) you need enough  water to quench church your thirst

Speech work 
4(a) another name for speech organs is..............
(b) give two example of sounds that are described as bilabial sounds
(c)  give two examples of labiodental sounds
(d) describe a Vowel sound
(e) Define a voiced consonant
Give two example each of words which  have the same sounds with the following Phonetic Symbols
(f) / ɑ:/ 
(g) /I:/ 
(h) / ɜ:/ 
(i) / æ/
(j) / ʌ/