Wednesday 15 June 2016


Image credit: The
Articles are words which are used to refer to nouns.

The adjectives “a” “an” and “the” are called articles .

The article “A” is used before words beginning with consonants or a long u sound, examples: A box, A cat, A untensil, A university.

The article “An” is used before words beginning with any of the vowel A E I O U, or a silent u. example:  An angel, An orange, An egg, An iroko tree, An hour, An honest man.
The articles “A” and “An’ are used before singular common nouns, or adjectives not already known. Example: A boy came here. I saw a dog. They saw an elephant.

The last article “The’ is used
 1. before nouns that are already known, example: The teacher is here. The bible.
 2. It is also used to refer to particular rivers, mountain, or sea, example: The Niger, The Nile, The Atlantic Ocean
3. It is used to refer to a whole class of something. Example: The blind cannot see. The Rich also cry.